Sunday, March 31, 2019

#34: Legend of Zelda Retrospective/Alita: Battle Angel


HEY!  LISTEN (to this podcast)!  First-time guest Bianca of Generation Animation joins John for talk regarding a recent movie and a long-running game series.  First, both unpack Robert Rodriguez and James Cameron's recent big-screen manga adaptation, which is John's introduction to the Alita property while Bianca comes at it from a completionist of the original comic.  While not without some genuine issues, there's an impressive amount of stuff to like with it - especially when you look at Hollywood's existing track record with anime adaptations.  (Bianca will defend Speed Racer to the death, though.)

The majority of the episode goes to a general look back at one of Nintendo's most beloved and still-thriving series, as we both wax nostalgic and analyze the Legend of Zelda series.  Expect memories of iconic games and moments in the series' history, our reasons for liking and disliking specific titles and aspects, varying opinions on how theoretical remakes and adaptations could be handled, how Zelda having so many reincarnations has blessed John with multiple waifus, and tangents like One Piece hype, post-Devilman depression and dead brothers that aren't actually dead.

5:29 - Alita: Battle Angel review (Spoilers)
35:14 - Legend of Zelda retrospective (Spoilers for various games)

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