Thursday, August 27, 2020

#37-A: Donkey Kong Retrospective Pt. 1/Ghost of Tsushima (ft. Patrick Fleury)

We live to pod another day! Almost exactly a year after our hiatus began, John finally dusts the podcasting setup off and revives an unorthodox show for the unorthodox happenings of 2020. Patrick Fleury returns to help John give some updates on voice work, dearly departed grandmas, and various life changes since the last episode, as well as Patrick giving his overall thoughts on the recent PS4 hit Ghost of Tsushima.

But for the meat of this episode, it's on like *TRADEMARKED* as we begin to tackle Nintendo's longest-running series in its entirety, discussing the Donkey Kong franchise in chronological order. We talk its interesting origins in the arcade, its resurrection via Rare, and just maybe viewers can find out what John's all-time favorite game is. Sit back, get a banana daiquiri, and enjoy the first segment with full background music (For good reason), and remember that if you don't succumb to Donkey Kong Madness, you are stupid.

0:00 Special guest song by Gonzo the Great
0:34 Catching up
15:47 Ghost of Tsushima thoughts (Minor spoilers)
30:12 Donkey Kong retrospective Pt. 1 (Arcade and SNES trilogies)

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